
All work orders entered into the work order system will fall into one of the following priorities. Work orders will be addressed first by their priority level and subsequently by their request date. Any work order that is not addressed within the time frame of their established priority level will be elevated to the next higher priority level.

紧急 (对生命、健康或大学物业工作的危害)

Emergency Situations should be communicated to the 设施和服务 at 323-343-3440 during normal business hours (8:00am - 5:00pm Monday - Friday) or Public Safety for after hours and weekend calls at 323-343-3700.

如果无法立即修复, the affected department will be notified of the estimated time of repair and any temporary loss of services required to address the issue(e.g. 预防性关闭电力或水管系统). 下午5点以后和周末, 需要通知公共安全部门, and a representative from the appropriate shop will be called in. 紧急情况将得到处理 立即 to 24小时内. If the situation has been temporally addressed but not completely resolved, the work order may be re-prioritized as an Urgent or Routine work order.


  • Conditions that 立即 affect the continued performance of academic,学生, 或者管理职能.
  • Conditions that affect the safety or health of members of the campus community or surrounding area.
  • Conditions that 立即 affect the continued performance of academic, 学生, 或行政职能-例子包括:
    • 建筑热量的主要损失
    • Loss of power to all circuits in area (if one outlet of many is effected this should be classified as a lower priority)
    • 电梯故障
    • 火警
    • Continuous leaks that may result in damage to facility or contents (If leak can be contained it should be, i.e. turning off water source if drain is leaking or marking the equipment "out of order" if more are available)
  • 即时安全问题-例子包括:
    • Broken windows or doors that cannot be secured for a "sensitive area" such as 学生 records area
    • Fire or emergency systems in state of alarm or limited function that must be returned to normal to insure safety of occupants


紧急的 (基本支持)

Urgent work is work that is needed to accomplish the University’s primary objective(education) by preventing a breakdown of essential operation or housekeeping functions, or improving the operational performance of a necessary system. Urgent work covers situations that severely impair but do not hinder operations. These situations will be investigated and assessed within 72 hours. If the situation has been temporally addressed but not completely resolved, 该工单可以作为例行工单重新排序


  • 门故障
    • 视情况而定, 如果门是内门, 这个区域可以通过锁上外面的门来保护
  • 排水管堵塞(没有溢水)
    • 可以通过关闭水来保护的排水管
    • Leaks that only result from use of system and other facilities are available
  • 不适当的照明
    • Part of a light fixture is inoperable in a mission critical area, over desks or 学生 areas (two bulbs of four in an florescent fixture)
  • 管道维修
    • 马桶座圈坏了
    • 宽松的工装
  • 地板和天花板修补
    • 交通繁忙地区的地毯松动或磨损
    • 楼梯扶手松动
    • 一步覆盖物
    • 水损坏了天花板瓷砖,破裂或松动



Routine maintenance items are items that can be scheduled and completed within a two-week period and will be placed into the schedule upon completion of any Emergency or Urgent work orders. These items are routine in nature or minor events that should be planned in advance. **Major events should be scheduled farther in advance to insure availability of resources and materials**


  • 一般维护问题
    • Lighting (Bulbs or fixture outages that do not effect the operation of the area at the present time)
    • Electrical (General electrical issues that do not pose a safety risk)
    • 水管工程(维修水管工程以维持正常运作.e. replacement of toilet seats (discolored toilet seats, paper dispensers, etc.)
    • 场地维护问题
    • 绘画



Scheduled Maintenance items are items that will require more time than a normal Routine work order because of parts ordering or customer requirements, 但不属于项目的描述范围. Scheduled Maintenance items should be completed within 30 days



Deferred work orders include items that can be scheduled and completed within the framework of a project plan, that are scheduled to support Major Events or functions on the campus, 或者是有意为之, exceed the 30 days window for completion within a Scheduled Maintenance work order.




如果您有紧急情况或需要立即援助, 请致电(323)343-3440(上午7点至下午5点)与我们的工作控制联系, M - F). 在这些时间之后, 请拨打公共安全电话(323)343-3700, 或者拨打911报警, 警察, 或者医疗紧急情况!


Routine maintenance is a service for which 设施和服务 receives a budget allocation. These services are provided by 设施和服务 without charge, 一般来说, routine maintenance and operation of the campus fall within these listed categories.

  • 例行油漆修补
  • 门维修
  • 更换灯泡
  • 日常保管服务
  • 地毯、地砖或其他地面设施的维修
  • 常规擦窗
  • 场地,停车场,人行道和道路维护
  • 除雪
  • 屋顶、结构、窗、门及一般建筑修理
  • 围栏维修
  • Indoor and outdoor non-parking lot 照明 - exterior general 照明
  • Existing heating/cooling/plumbing and humidification system maintenance & 维修
  • Repair to energy management systems - infrastructure and utilities
  • 维修电力和机械基础设施
  • Maintenance or replacement of equipment installed as part of an original building installation, 包括不可移动的教室家具
  • 回收计划
  • 鼠患及病虫害防治
  • 电梯维修
  • 定期检查电梯和生命安全系统
  • 玻璃和屏风的修理和更换


Chargeable work orders require a 设施和服务 Request Form, signed by the signature authority and with the appropriate department account number filled in. 请将申请表寄交:


The following services are normally charged to the requesting unit:

  • Departmental requests for buildings or structural alterations
  • Repair/service/replacement of departmental equipment or property, 包括非标准覆盖物和表面
  • 搬迁可移动设备
  • 重新安置或安装电源插座, 照明, 暖通空调, 暖通空调控制, 或按部门要求安装灭火系统
  • Installation and repair of window treatments other than originally installed
  • Non-routine and decorative paintings and wall covering 维修
  • Carpeting or floor tile maintenance – other than normal schedule
  • 劳动 & 特殊活动设备,包括保管服务
  • 悬挂图片、牌匾、标志、横幅等.
  • 架子和橱柜的安装
  • 组装或拆卸桌子、隔板等.
  • 将剩余物品转移到部门
  • 擦窗——不是例行公事
  • 停车场维护
  • 维修和保养所有收费项目
  • 维修非授权的设备,如.e. 加热器等.


用于装修类工作, please contact one of our project managers first before submitting a requisition, 这样我们就可以讨论一下你们项目的范围了